Reader Submitted Miracle from Deb Casale… thanks for sharing, Deb!!
I recently bought a copy of Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Handbook and am about halfway through. Early in the book she talks about how her mother used to pray over their broken clothes washer as well as their broken down car until they worked again. It got me thinking.
My dishwasher is extremely finicky and doesn’t always turn on when I press the start button. I have gotten so frustrated about this because it’s only a year old and of course we didn’t buy the extended warranty because those are just a waste of money, right? So one day last week before I pressed the on button, I asked the Appliance Repair Angels who specialize in dishwashers to come and do their work on the dishwasher so all the buttons are completely operational. Since I am clairvoyant I saw them come and swoop around the dishwasher and start working. I waited about 30 seconds as I saw their activity drop dramatically, and then pressed the Start button. It didn’t work right away. It WAS slightly better than before but it was still not “fixed”. I thought about this for a few days. Then I realized that I needed to give them more time, that I was looking for instant gratification. I guess there is a certain amount of “time” in the spirit world, that everything is not instant. So a few nights ago I prayed to them again to come, and then asked them to continue the work as long as they needed to and to let me know when they are done. Then I walked away.
About 2 hours later I “remembered” I had to turn on the dishwasher and lo and behold, IT’S FIXED. Now each time before I turn on the dishwasher I thank the angels for the work they have done and then press the on button. Works every time! Gratitude will get you everywhere.
February 8, 2011 at 3:20 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Leah, no joke – we used to do this on the World Race. When someone’s laptop would die, we would literally lay hands on it, and pray for it to work again, if only long enough to hook up an external hard drive long enough to get their pictures and stories off the computer. It worked every single time, and on more than one occasion – after a computer tech had looked at it and told us the motherboard was fried… we’d wake it back up and it would work again – one of the laptops even made it through the whole rest of the race without issues. So funny what prayer can do…
Leah Carey
February 9, 2011 at 12:53 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
What an awesome story Angi!! I love it!
I bet you have miracles enough for a whole book from the World Race. 🙂