

Mar 19

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The miracle of resting

The last two days have been absolutely jam-packed, non-stop action with a few hours of sleep in between.  I have a whole bunch of thoughts to write about, but no energy or focus to turn those thoughts into compelling – or even readable – prose.

Tonight I succumb to my body’s need for sleep.

I know that as a little kid I fought taking a nap or going to bed…now I can’t imagine what I must have been thinking.  Oh, to reclaim those hours of enforced rest!

Until tomorrow, I wish you a wonderful rest.

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/03/19/the-miracle-of-resting/