

Apr 08

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My definition of miracles

Recently I’ve been hearing words that I’ve been wanting to hear my whole life – “You’re a really good writer.”

Two things –

  1. I’ve always suspected that I was a pretty decent writer but it seemed egotistical to think it too loud.
  2. I’ve always wanted to be acknowledged for it by others.

Two problems –

  1. I wanted to be acknowledged by others because I wasn’t willing to say it to myself.

How can I expect anyone to read my words and be touched by them if I’m not consistently writing…and then making my writing available for others to read???

But then I started this journal and I made an agreement with myself to sit down and write every day. Whether or not I’m passionate on that given day. Whether or not I have a perfect first sentence.

The other day I was on the phone with my friend Karen McCrocklin (you may remember her from this post). She said to me several times, “You’re a really good writer.” It was gratifying to hear it…and for the first time in my life I realized that I didn’t need to hear it. In the process of writing every day – and going back periodically and reading my own writing – I’ve come to realize that I know I’m a good writer. Hearing others say it is now icing on the cake.

During our conversation, Karen also got me asking myself…what is a miracle? If I want this journal to be a place that inspires you to recognize the miracles that surround you every day, I’d better be darned sure I know what my definition of a miracle is!

This morning the answer settled into my mind. A miracle is a shift in consciousness.

Let me say that again and give it the emphasis it deserves:

A miracle is a shift in consciousness

Think about any of the posts in this journal that have especially touched you – I am thinking of the ones that are particularly memorable for me. None of them rise to the level of cancer being inexplicably cured or walking on water. So what makes them miracles?

Some of these miracles have been unexpected gifts that showed up in my life…that could just as easily have been forgotten 10 minutes later had I not taken the time to notice and acknowledge them as gifts. Chronicling them reminds me that I am surrounded by goodness.  If I’m having a bad day, for those few minutes while I’m writing, I can choose to find something that makes me feel good.  It’s choosing to shift my awareness…a shift in consciousness.

Many of these miracles have been major realizations that change how I look at the world, allowing me to see the good that surrounds me every day.  I’m thinking in particular of “The Miracle of Amazing Men” – that day had a profoundly positive and lasting effect on how I view the men in my world…which means that I behave differently…which means that I attract new and different experiences. If that’s not a miracle, I really don’t know what is.

So today, my shift in consciousness is this – I am a good writer. I know it now. I can say it to myself. I don’t need others to tell me…and I’ll also happily listen if they do.

For that little girl who was always hiding in the wings wanting to be recognized, that’s a pretty darn big miracle.


And if you’re hungering for one of those crazy miraculous miracles, check out this story – 5th Grader Wins Penmanship Award — Without Hands

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/04/08/my-definition-of-miracles/


  1. Karen Mc

    I love this Leah. You’re a GREAT writer! 🙂

  2. Leah Carey

    Thanks Karen. I appreciate it and I accept. 🙂

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