

May 13

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Watching the Business

Today I turned in my third Business Watch column at the newspaper. This is notable for two reasons:

1. Now that I’ve done three of them I can almost convince myself that it’s not a fluke and they’ll keep letting me do it.  🙂

2. I was an absolute maniac the first two weeks.  In the 24 hours before I turned in the column I was haunted by thoughts like “I can’t do this!”  Something about not living up to someone else’s expectations was getting triggered big time.  This week I didn’t have any of that.  I knew that I could do it and I did it with a minimum of fuss and drama.  In fact, I actually had a really good time doing it this week!  Yippee!

And to solidify all of that, the Universe gifted me with a lovely compliment from my editor about how well the column was written.  I was thrilled.

In related news…I can’t believe how many people really pay attention to this column!  A lot of people had told me that this is the most-read column in the Caledonian Record, but it was hard for me to believe.  It comes out on a Saturday, after all!

But I’ve been stunned by the number of people who are telling me that they read this column religiously on Saturdays.  People I haven’t met before now know my name when I call them on the phone.  People I haven’t talked to in years are popping back up in my life and telling me they saw my name and picture and they love the column.  It’s kind of a hoot!

Another thing that working at the newspaper is doing for me is forcing me to confront one of my old boundaries of discomfort – cold-calling people I don’t know.  It’s always been something I’ve dreaded…which is not a good trait for an entrepreneur who wants to become a public figure.  Reaching out to make connections needs to be something I’m really comfortable with.  So now the Universe has placed me in a position where I’m forced to do exactly what has scared me.  I still have to gather my wits before I pick up the phone, but it’s getting better and better.

So to recap – I’m doing something new and it’s going well; my name recognition is growing in my corner of the world; and I’m overcoming a fear that has always hampered me as a business person.

I’d say all in all, the job at the paper (and the Business Watch column specifically) is a pretty darn tootin’ good thing for me!  🙂  And it all came out of wanting to get out of my home office for a few hours a week.  Who knew?!?

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/05/13/watching-the-business/