

May 21

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The baby’s birthday party

Well…the predicted Rapture has come and gone and, as far as I can tell, we’re all still here.  Given that I’m one of those who would probably be “Left Behind” to a terrible fate, I’m going to chalk that up to a miracle.  🙂

I had the most wonderful evening – it was a first birthday party for my favorite little artichoke-loving girl (you might remember her from this post; and if you haven’t seen the rest of the pictures of her chowing on artichokes, check them out on Facebook).  This little girl stole my heart the first time I met her and I’m still enchanted.  It doesn’t hurt that I adore her parents too.  🙂

Tonight was wonderful for a lot of reasons.

Let’s start with this – I don’t generally like being in social situations with a bunch of people I don’t know.  It is not in my comfort zone.  But tonight I pushed myself.  I made an effort to start conversations with people I didn’t know.  And it went okay!  Dare I say, I met some really cool people who I enjoyed talking with.

Miracle #2 – In the midst of day-to-day life it can be easy to lose perspective sometimes.  Recently I’ve been thinking about my dad a lot and I’ve been wondering if I co-opt interesting things about him to make myself interesting.  Tonight I remembered that’s not true at all.  Because I was talking with new people – and I wasn’t playing shy or small – I told some of the stories about my life that are actually quite interesting.  People kept asking me questions, so I kept talking and people were interested.  OH RIGHT!  I am an interesting person who leads an interesting life.  Every day may not be a carnival ride (and thank goodness for that!), but in general I live a pretty good life.

Miracle #3 – Almost everyone there was with a spouse or fiancee and, far from feeling awkward about being single, it actually gave me a lot of joy.  There was one couple who are soon-to-be-married who were wonderful to watch – they had such an easy grace with each other.  They seemed to be constantly aware of each other in the space, whether they were touching or not, and it made me so happy.  To delight in that kind of love fills me with joy about the future, whatever it might be.

Miracle #4 – The baby.  Ohhhhh…the baby.  And quite specifically, “Ohhhhhh.”  She makes the cutest little “Ohhhhhhhhhh” noise that we were all mimicking.  Watching her while presents were being opened was hilarious.  She would pull the ribbon off and put it around her neck and go “Ohhhhhh.”  Or flip through the pages of a book and go “Ohhhhhhh.”  Or start to cry and then distract herself with something interesting and say, “Ohhhhhh.”  Someone compared her to a cooing pigeon and I think that’s spot on!  Beyond precious.

Miracle #5 – I heard someone say to Jill, Baby W’s mother, with absolute sincerity, “Congratulations.  You kept her alive for a year.  That’s quite an achievement.”  Oh my goodness – so true and it made me laugh so hard.  🙂

Miracle #6 – With all this focus on the birthday baby, there was also a newborn there tonight and a woman who is about 6 weeks from giving birth.  To be surrounded by so much new life…I really don’t know what the feeling is that it stirs in me, but it’s a very good one.  One that says that there is hope and joy in the world.  (And no – because I get the question so often when people see how much I love babies – I still don’t feel a desire to have one of my own.  But I sure do love playing auntie to my friends’ babies!)

Even if some nutcase thinks the world is going to end in a fiery implosion.

Whatever.  I’ll hold the babies while we’re going down.

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/05/21/the-babys-birthday-party/


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  1. Jill

    Dear Leah, what a wonderful post! Wenonah loved having you at her party and I am so glad you found so many miracles. And you can definitely hold baby W while we’re going down as long as I get to hold your hand. I hear hell is in need of a miracle journal and if anyone can handle that job it’s you. xoxo

  2. Leah Carey

    This is my favorite reader comment ever – “I hear hell is in need of a miracle journal and if anyone can handle that job it’s you.” Thanks Jill!!!! 🙂

  3. Laura

    I love this post! It really was a wonderful evening for all the reasons you mentioned…as well as our fabulous Settlers game!

  4. Leah Carey

    Thanks Laura. When can we play Settlers again?!? 😉

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