A little more than a year ago, I met an amazing man named Andy Grant. From the first moment I saw his shaved head and his big smile, I knew he was special. We were at the Hay House “Movers & Shakers” conference together and I didn’t have much opportunity to talk with him directly. Yet there was this knowing that he was someone who I would choose to have in the proverbial lifeboat with me.
Since then, we’ve exchanged some emails and become friendly. I can’t say that I know him well, but I can say this – every time I interact with him, I am touched in some new way.
Back in January, I wrote about The Miracle of Amazing Men. Andy is one of the three guys I was referring to in that post. He is a truly phenomenal man who is using his own life as a teaching tool to help others find their way back from the brink of suicide.
He is writing a book about his own journey called Surviving Myself. He produces videos that make me want to cry and hug him all at the same time. I can’t imagine the number of people whose lives are being saved (and will be saved in the future) by his generosity of spirit. (If you’re interested, his website is http://www.survivingmyselfbook.com.)
Today I had the opportunity to spend some time on the phone with Andy as he did an energy reading for me. Wow – the vitality and joy that comes through his voice is just astounding. I’m so grateful to have spent that time with him.
I’m also grateful that when God and the Universe want to get my attention, they don’t give up after one attempt. Andy was using some really wonderful visuals and metaphors to describe the process of how, as a child, I gave power to things that people said to me, rather than what I knew to be true for myself. He walked me through a process to begin reclaiming that power.
It reminded me of something that the phenomenal Ken Kizer said to me recently – there are a lot of people who say “I don’t have faith in myself” or “I don’t have faith in anything”. While they may believe it wholeheartedly, it’s not strictly true. It’s just a question of where they (we) (I) have chosen to put faith. For instance, if I say “Nothing ever works out for me”, I’ve chosen to put my faith in the fact that nothing will work out for me. It’s as strong a belief as “Things always work out for me” and it requires just as much faith to hold onto that “nothing” or “everything” or “always” or “never”.
Tonight I am grateful to the Universe for once again reminding me that I have a choice about where I put my faith. Thanks to Andy, tonight I choose to put my faith in square dancing. 🙂
Here is a really interesting reader-submitted miracle from vintagewinechick. Thanks for sharing your miracle!
The early morning of Doomsday! May 21 was my total awakening. After all the intensive inner work I’ve done for a long, long time… as I was doing my internet research for online schooling, listening to Brad Lamm on Hay House, I just KNEW all our peace comes from letting everything around us be separate FROM us. The simplest concept only took 10 yrs to figure out! What a revelation! It has changed everything for me and I am blessed.
Do you want to share something amazing, inspiring, or unexpected that’s happened to you recently? Click the “Share Your Miracle” tab above and get typing!
PS – I finally got the audio from Wednesday’s Hay House radio interview posted. Head over to the right and click “Listen”. If for any reason that doesn’t work, click here.
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Eileen Alexander
May 31, 2011 at 7:56 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I always find it so amazing (my own miracle) that your posts almost always speak directly to what’s happening in my own life!
Leah Carey
May 31, 2011 at 6:09 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
How wonderful, Eileen! That’s how I often feel about the TUT “Messages from the Universe” emails – like they’re speaking directly to me about exactly what’s going on in my life. 🙂 Thanks for letting me know.
Lisa LaPlante
June 4, 2011 at 2:02 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I just checked out Andy’s website and his Hay House video. Oh my goodness! I’ve never met him, but I adore him! Thank you Leah!!!
Leah Carey
June 5, 2011 at 7:50 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
You’re so welcome. I would love to tell everyone in the world about Andy. 🙂 I’m glad you fell in love with him like I did!
The Miracle Journal » Making mistakes
May 31, 2011 at 10:13 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
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