

Jun 05

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My list of 37

If it wasn’t clear already, let me now make it official – 2011 is the Year of the Miracle.  Today is my 37th birthday.  Since it is a birthday in the midst of the Miraculous Year, I’m guessing that 37 is pretty much going to be a COMPLETELY RockStar year!

Three weeks ago my friend Momma Sunshine turned 37 and she put together this list of “37 items for my 37th birthday“.  I thought it was so fantastic that I’m inspired to make my own manifesto. It’s a combination of things to do and to be.

In no particular order…

  1. Be my own soulmate.
  2. Continue discovering and acknowledging Amazing Men (and women!) in my world.
  3. Practice releasing and letting go.
  4. Act on stage again.
  5. Accept challenges that are outside my comfort zone.
  6. Embrace my own power and stop belittling myself in my words and actions with others.
  7. Shed my shyness.
  8. Focus on developing healthier posture.
  9. Get comfortable driving a stick shift car.
  10. Go horseback riding.
  11. Treat my body to the foods that are healthiest for it.
  12. Go outside more often.
  13. Remember that my presence is enough.
  14. Stop trying to prove myself to others.
  15. Do everything in excellence, rather than attempting perfection.
  16. Organize workshops with groups that interest me.
  17. Go rock climbing.
  18. Look for opportunities to have fun.
  19. Continue finding miracles every day.
  20. Stretch regularly.
  21. Write every day.
  22. Start doing individual client work again.
  23. Be more willing to talk openly about my work and my book.
  24. Be kinder and gentler with myself.
  25. Color more.
  26. Do more teaching.
  27. Be more available to receive.
  28. Say yes to anyone who asks me on a date (as long as it’s safe!) 🙂
  29. Find indulgences that are good for my body, mind, and spirit…and then indulge frequently!
  30. Spend more time with friends.
  31. Remind myself frequently that I have a YUMMY body!
  32. Learn to play my Native American flute.
  33. Follow my passion and trust that the money will follow.
  34. Be myself…everyone else is taken!
  35. “What if” the positives.
  36. Dance more!
  37. Praise and validate myself more often.

It’s gonna be a great year!

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/06/05/my-list-of-37/


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  1. Kristine Spinks

    Hope you had a great birthday!!!

  2. Leah Carey

    Thanks Kristine! 🙂

  3. Jeffrey Sumber

    Awesome list, Leah! May they all come easily and with gusto.

  4. Kathi Fura

    Happy Birthday Leah. Love the list. In case you didn’t know – there’s a wall at WMS where you can climb if you never have – and perhaps a connection or two – to guides who climb the notch. Just a thought.

  5. Leah Carey

    Thanks Jeffrey!

  6. Leah Carey

    Thanks Kathi – that’s great! I knew there was a wall at WMS but I thought it was just for students. I’ll have to find out more about it.

  7. Eileen Alexander

    Love your list. Happy discoveries as the year progresses!

  8. Lisa LaPlante

    Love your list! I especially love #34. =)

  9. Leah Carey

    Thanks Eileen and Lisa!

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