Hi everyone,
I’ve returned from an exhausting, exhilarating, and thoroughly amazing weekend presenting at the American Society of Dowsers national convention. One thing that happens there every year is that I get completely overstimulated by new information and exhausted by lack of sleep. There are several things that are present in my mind to write about, but I need to rest more before I can put coherent words to them. So stayed tuned for tomorrow! 🙂
In the meantime, here is a miracle submitted by LaCre’. He’s highlighting one of my favorite people, Karen McCrocklin, and talking about one of my favorite subjects – realizing that we’re not alone in the world. Thanks LaCre’!
The last year has been extremely transformational, in realizing there is a larger world than the one I was stuck in, in my own head. I heard about the Miracle Journal on Hay House Radio, and many other programs which have kept me from jumping off a bridge.
I realized that there is a community of Loving, Kind and Caring people who are just like me, and although I have not met them in person, they exists in Cyberland.
As I awaken to the Miracle of myself, I realize I have been here the whole time and that any fear, or challenge that I have, someone else has it and more 🙂 I am extremely grateful for Louise Hay and the Hay House community for her amazing work which came from healing her own life.
When I happen to tune in and turn on “Out from the Inside”, with Karen McCrocklin, my world changed. I couldn’t wait to commend her on being the first LGBTQ radio host. I was so inspired that I created a website just to spread awareness within my own community and to everyone I can.
I’ve been a guest caller on Karen’s show twice and each time I have received the gift of “I CAN DO IT”, from both calls.
My life is starting and It is Good to know that I am not alone, but part of a Beautiful, Loving, Kind, Caring Community that makes a difference in my life!
Infinite Love and Gratitude!
P.S. As Dr. Darren Weissman would say it 🙂
June 13, 2011 at 9:51 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Thank You for sharing my Miracle Journal; I feel drawn to do more writing and expressing of myself, for I kept repressed for many years without allowing myself the human experience. Here I am and ready to be more and Love harder.
My SIncerest Gratitude!
June 14, 2011 at 9:51 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Today I celebrate life here in Cyberland with the Miracle Journal. I am grateful how unaffected I have become by things and situations that would have one year ago made me want to hurt someone or beat myself up.
Something very inappropriately was placed on my wall feed earlier today, and my hairs went up on my neck and my eyes bulged out; then I took action and pivoted from a quick embarrassed anger, to a matter of fact delete it and move on!
It is a Miracle that I am taking control of my feelings and giving people, places and things that happen the value they deserve, without taking it personally or defending it anymore. “)
Infinite Love and Gratitude!
Leah Carey
June 15, 2011 at 10:07 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Bravo LaCre’! Absolutely awesome and I’m very grateful that you’re here sharing your miracles with us.