

Jun 15

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Completing what I’ve started

Today I finished a project. A really big project. With a really real deadline. It’s so exciting to take something from the very beginning where the page is blank…to completion where the filled page goes to the printer.

About a month ago the newspaper asked me if I would come on full time for a while to put together their special summer insert about everything there is to do in the Northeast Kingdom and North Country during the summer months. It’s the reason I’ve gotten to do so many amazingly cool things (like tree climbing and zip lining!) recently. I was writing about them for this guide.

When they first tasked me with the project, I was blissfully innocent of how much I would actually be responsible for. I thought I’d just be writing words. As the project progressed I slowly realized I’d also be responsible for so much more, from photos to layout. I had all the help I needed (when I remembered to ask!) but I had to seek it out. Which was actually a really good lesson for me – I’m capable of more than I assume and I’m surrounded by help when I need it.

The last couple of days have been consumed with placing all of the material on the pages (which is a much different experience than I had expected – it turns out the advertising department gets to lay out the ads where they want them first and we have to fit all of our text around them.)

Today was proofreading and troubleshooting (and there was a lot of troubleshooting to be done). And finally, at 6:15 Andrew hit the button that sent the whole shebang to the printer.

On Saturday, my baby will be distributed to the world. I’m so excited to see it in print!

And here’s the biggest deal – I started something and finished it. I’m not sure why I still have this story about myself that I start things and don’t finish them – it’s blatantly untrue. I’ve finished many important projects, so it’s time to throw that story out. Here’s one more log on the fire that I can burn it in! 🙂

And (#15 on my List of 37) I did it all in excellence, not perfection.

I wonder what exciting thing tomorrow will bring?

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/06/15/completing-what-ive-started/


  1. Robin

    This is great! We always surprise ourselves when we accomplish the task at hand and them some that we didn’t expect! Did you feel that breeze that just blew by you? That was called freedom…as you stepped past your original duties into a realm of real excellence! You’re doing a great job at it!

  2. Leah Carey

    Thanks Robin. 🙂 How have you stepped into excellence lately?

  3. Jennifer Strong

    I want a copy of that newspaper please and thank you! =)

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