Today was a difficult day. A friend was seriously injured last night and we’ve been able to get precious few details about what’s going on.
Right now I’m not clear enough to write much of anything, so I’m absolutely thrilled to have this gem of a reader-submitted miracle in the vault to share with you!
This miracle was submitted by my dear friend Jen. We went to junior high school together and then lost touch for more than 20 years. The fact that she has re-entered my life is an absolute miracle of its own. I love you girl! 🙂
Do you have a miracle you’d like to submit? Click “Share Your Miracle” above and send it in!
For a couple of months my boyfriend, Michael has been saying how much he wants to get his Jet Ski out on the lake but that he needed a new battery before he could do that. He lives out in the woods away from the general population, so since I live in Concord I offered to get him the battery (so he would stop talking about it and start doing it!!). At the time I had zero inclination that I would be on that Jet Ski… ever. I love the water but I have never been a water sports kind of girl. Fast and Furious on the water has never spoken to me. Fishing on canoe is more my style.
Two weekends ago Michael was outside preparing his Jet Ski for take-off. He came into the house and told me that he was giving me a twenty minute warning to start getting ready. He gave me advice on what I should wear. Wait… what? I just sat there stunned. Not really sure what to do or say. He went over and talked to his neighbors for a little while. I decided to put it out of my head, get ready, meet him outside and go with the flow.
We went to the boat launch and he showed me nearly everything there is to know about a Jet Ski, how to operate it and safety tips. He strapped me into the life preserver as tight as tight can be. He taught me how to get on and how to hold on. As we rode out onto the lake together he was going about 5 miles per hour telling me about wake speed and all of that. Then he says… “Hold On”. We are doing 45 MPH across the lake. OMG! I am praying for my life as I imagine my body tumbling across that lake and snapping like a twig. I am not screaming, I am just very serious and very quiet. We start hitting waves and bouncing up and down. My body is coming off the seat, it’s like riding a horse for the first time. I am getting wet so my butt starts sliding all over the seat.
Dear God… I am going to die, I just know it. Death on a Jet Ski, in the middle of Horace Lake. How is Michael going to feel after he realizes that he just killed his girlfriend? I’m thinking, maybe I should say something. Maybe I should warn him that he is about to make a horrible mistake.
He slows down as we near his dock, across from his house. He asks me “Are you just sitting there with a huge smile on your face?” “No”, I said, “I am afraid for my life.” He was shocked. He turns around and says “What? Are you serious?” The word pansy came out of his mouth a few times. Still makes me laugh when I think about it. He thinks of me as a tough girl and now he has found my fear, my weakness. The real question here is how much do I trust this man to try and keep me safe as best as he can? Will he truly look out for my well being? I was not in control, he was. I had just handed it over to him willingly. Wow. Was that a wise choice? Should I have put more thought into this decision instead of winging it?
I needed to learn how to let go (while holding on) and just have fun.
We start doing circles in the lake and a wave comes up and splashes me in the face. I hear my own voice yell “AWESOME!” That was me… having fun! Hurray! Then I was back to scared again. We went over to the dock to stop for some water. We sat on the dock while he was telling me stories of his younger years when he would show off for the ladies on his Jet Ski. I wanted to see what that looked like so I asked him to go out alone so I could watch. He did. I watched. Then it happened. As I watched… the Miracle happened. I trusted him. I knew I could get back on that Jet Ski and trust him. He came back and I thanked him for letting me watch. I told him for some reason I felt so much more comfortable. I was ready to go back out on that lake and hit some waves! It was awesome. My favorite part was getting sprayed in the face with water. As we headed back to the boat launch I leaned in and kissed his cheek. I thanked him for taking me out there and being so wonderful with me. I saw him, myself, us, not in a new light, but a brighter light. Something had shifted, and for the better.
He looked back at me and said “It just keeps getting better, doesn’t it Baby?” Like an arrow to my heart… those words pierced me deep. Yes, it does just keep getting better. If I had been stubborn and held on to my control I would not have been able to feel that trust and love for him that day. And those waves hitting me in the face… AWESOME!!
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