

Jul 04

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Celebrating Evie and teaching

Last night was an amazing night.  There was a remembrance for Evie Spodnik by her Sacred Circle Dance community.  Over the course of the evening I think there were probably at least 50 people there.  Evie was extremely passionate and dedicated to circle dance, traveling frequently to dance circles all over New England and Canada and going several times a year to dance camps in Canada and South America.

Last night her community came together to dance for her.  We danced her favorite dances with her favorite variations.  We danced a piece that she helped to choreograph.  Between dances people told stories and shared memories. It was the most perfect memorial I could imagine.


I came up with a photo of the turkey skeleton project I mentioned.  Unfortunately it’s not exactly the one I remember.  Somewhere there is a picture of our whole small group with Evie and the completed skeleton.  For now, this will have to do to celebrate her incredible creativity and care for her students.


At the dance circle last night I had one other incredible experience that I’d like to share – because although I am terribly sad right now, there is still joy.

I chose to sit out one of the dances and was sitting on the edge of the room.  A woman came and sat down with me.  She said, “I was in the intuition class you taught last year at Dowsers.  It changed my life.” She went on to detail for me exactly what she had learned and how she applies it every day now. It was one of those astonishing conversations that left me absolutely speechless.

This is twice in two weeks that someone has approached me in an unlikely place and told me how much one of my classes has affected them. I think the Universe is trying to tell me something – like “TEACH MORE!”

It was particularly appropriate that the message come to me in that space which was filled with the loving essence of a woman who reveled in teaching.  Thank you God.  Thank you Evie.  Thank you Lee Ann.  I am humbled and grateful.


A couple other pictures I found today:

Evie and I completing our Reiki II training together - a great day

Off on another adventure in the rain and cold

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/07/04/celebrating-evie-and-teaching/


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  1. Mary Ellen

    Dear Leah,

    Hope, a circle dancer w Brattleboro VT group who likely danced w Evie in Mexico…I think they did, sent a link to your post on circle dance group email. I was afraid to read that it would be too sad but I did. Thanks for the sweetness and spirit of love. Great you are teaching. You added a lot to the Neskaya gathering for Ev. Thank you.
    Mary Ellen

  2. Leah Carey

    Dear Mary Ellen,
    Thank you so much for your note. Thank you for teaching Evie’s dance on Sunday – it was so special to dance something that celebrated the snake. Evie brought a snake charm back from Mexico for me and I’ve been wearing it this week. It brings me such comfort to feel her around me and to be able to tell stories of the joyful and funny things that I remember. I hope that you are finding the same comfort.
    Sending you all my love,

  3. David Hoha

    I was a good friend with Evie through High School and stayed in touch for about 10 years thereafter. Last night I was in contact with another friend, Pastor Cathyann Colson who was one of Evie’s good friends. She informed me that Evie was no longer with us. Cathy and Evie stayed in touch for roughly 38 years and then lost contact. Cathy decided to track her down last summer and found out she passed on. I still work with ST. Joseph’s High School Alumni counsel in Trumbull CT where we graduated and would like to shed details with the school as well as have a mass in Evie’s honor. If you can provide a link to newspaper articles etc, we would all appreciate it. Evie was one of the kindest person a lot of us had ever met. Thanks

    1. Leah Carey

      Hi David,
      I can agree that Evie was one of the kindest, sweetest people I’ve ever known. I’m so sorry for your loss, and for all of us.

      As you’ve probably already discovered, I’ve written about Evie multiple times on this journal. There was another teacher in New Hampshire who wrote about Evie on her blog at: http://nhtoy2011.blogspot.com/2011/07/living-today-for-evie.html.

      There was a lot of local coverage of the incident that led to Evie’s death. You may still find some of the television pieces archived at http://www.wmur.com. As for newspapers, I believe the Union Leader has done the most extensive coverage and I think they’re all in public online archives. Here are two articles: http://www.unionleader.com/article/20111227/NEWS03/111229930&template=mobileart


      I find them to be difficult reading, simply because of the circumstances. I haven’t watched any of the television coverage, but it’s probably similar.

      Finally, the Sunday News did a lovely tribute piece to Evie which I’ve posted here: http://www.themiraclejournal.com/2011/07/11/seeing-the-evidence/

      I hope all of that helps. If there’s anything else I can do, please let me know. With very best wishes,

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