Hi everybody! Here’s a mid-vacation miracle that’s too juicy not to post…
As I mentioned a while back, the plan with my friend who I’m visiting right now is to take a multi-day motorcycle ride. It’s particularly exciting because a few months ago I wrote a list of things that I wanted to do this summer, and one of the items on it was to ride a motorcycle. I think I was on a motorcycle once for about five minutes when I was about seven. I’ve never been on one since.
This multi-day adventure scares me a bit – definitely pushing the boundaries of where I feel safe and comfortable. But I also know that it’s going to be really good for me and hopefully a ton of fun as well.
As fate would have it, a little while before I got here my friend was doing maintenance on the bike we were going to take and something went kaphlooey. He’s been trying to fix it ever since without a lot of luck. With the motorcycle out of commission, the trip looked like it might not happen at all.
Yesterday afternoon we agreed that we would take the trip in a regular 4-wheeled vehicle if we had to. As the day of climbing on the back of a 2-wheeled vehicle got closer, I have to admit that possibility was looking a little more attractive. Have you seen how little protection there is on a motorcycle?!?! 🙂
Anyway, last night we went out with a wonderful couple named Amanda and Derek and it came up that the motorcycle in question was probably not going to be our chariot. Without a moment’s hesitation Amanda looked up and said, “Well you can take one of our bikes!” A short conversation ensued where the two of them seemed to be reworking a previous plan in order to make it work. And as if out of thin air – the trip was back on!!!
That is an amazing show of friendship and love – my guess is that Amanda may be forgoing her own bike trip to let us take this long-planned trip, but she never even made a peep about it. In fact, she looked radiantly happy at the possibility of providing such a gift and blessing to a friend. Once again I am reminded of the gift that we give by being generous recipients.
Thank you, Amanda and Derek, for your generosity and joy in helping me to spread my wings a little further than ever before. We’ll take good care of your baby. 🙂
Lisa LaPlante
September 5, 2011 at 8:03 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
A little unknown secret…. I have a motorcycle license. (gasp!) The ex-fiance’ gifted me lessons with the idea that we’d both ride off into the sunset somewhere, someday. Well, I completed the classes and got my license and never once took a bike out on the road with ME as the driver. However – I was a passenger on a cute little (not too little!) speedy thing for a few years there. It was really fun while it lasted. He continues to drive one when it’s in season here… and I keep that little “M” on my license ‘cuz it reminds me of the adventurous side I don’t often get to live out. If I ever planned to drive again, I’d go for a refresher course – not all that hard, but really good practice for before going onto the road with cars… who knows… maybe some day.
ENJOY the open road! It’s hear racing at first, but SO liberating… I’m feeling rather good that you will LOVE and embrace it!
Love you!
Leah Carey
September 11, 2011 at 9:08 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Lisa, I can totally understand why you’d keep the little “M”! I love your secret. 😉