

Sep 12

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Stopping the terror

Recently I noticed an interesting and increasingly predictable shape to my weeks at the newspaper – Mondays I was close to useless, which stressed me out.  Tuesday I started getting myself together and making some phone calls, none of which were returned, which stressed me out.  Wednesday I made more phone calls and got a few calls back so my stress started to ease a bit.  Thursdays most of the calls came back and I started to write.  Friday I crafted the pieces for the weekend.  (I tend to write a lot of Saturday features in addition to my Saturday business column, which means that Friday is always a big deadline day.)


Until I recognized the pattern, I got super stressed out at the beginning of each week because I felt like I wasn’t getting enough done and I’d never get all the work finished.

Two weeks ago, it occurred to me that what I’m actually doing is processing a lot of information on Mondays so that I can be ready to start making phone calls on Tuesdays.  Those two days then give a shape to the week.

For the first time, I discovered that the “wasted” time on Monday and Tuesday was actually vitally important.  There might not be a ton of visible output for that time, but without it I’d spend the whole week walking in circles.

And here’s another crazy thing – no matter how much I terrorized myself at the beginning of the week, I always got all the work done.  So why keep terrorizing myself?

The next three weeks are going to be CRAZY busy – in addition to the regular weekly column and next three entries in the economics series, I also have to produce an entire special section about winter activities in our area.  I’m staring down the barrel of a LOT of work for the next three weeks and I’ve been getting nervous anticipating how I’d finish it all. I figured today would be a disaster.

But something odd happened when I got to the newsroom today – I sat down and started working.  Minus the stressful thoughts that I was wasting time, I actually had an extremely productive Monday.  It’s probably the first one I’ve had since I started working at the paper.

But even if I hadn’t been productive, I already knew that I’d be okay with it because I’d seen the pattern.  I knew there was no reason to terrorize myself, so I didn’t spend all that energy making myself crazy.

It still feels like a daunting amount of work to finish in three weeks, but for the first time I think I might actually be up to the task.

I’ll get back to you in a few weeks.  😉


Have you read about The 30-Day Miracle Challenge yet?

If not, get yourself to THE CHALLENGE page and get psyched!  I mean, come on – THERE ARE PRIZES INVOLVED!!!!  🙂  The Challenge starts on Thursday, Sept. 15 and I’d love to have you join in!  Tell your friends and family – the more people we have participating, the more fun it will be…and the more miracles we’ll make!!!

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/09/12/stopping-the-terror/

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  1. The Miracle Journal » Another Monday

    […] Monday Miracles Add comments Exactly 14 days ago I recognized a pattern to my weeks at the newspaper. The biggest piece of it was that my Mondays tend to be low […]

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