

Sep 15

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They’ve got my attention

Wow! I’m thrilled to see the things that people are posting on The Miracle Challenge Declaration!  If you haven’t posted yours, click here and let us know where you’ll be creating miracles for the next 30 days!

I’m amazed at how I made the commitment to work on money and the Universe is tossing my challenges up for me to look at right away! Yesterday I had an opportunity to test my own sense of integrity with money.  Today I had an opportunity to see how much stress debt causes in my life.

In general I’m on top of paying my bills – if for no other reason than I’m terrified of  having my interest rates jacked up and my credit score trashed. Despite carrying a fair amount of debt, I still have a good credit score and reasonably low (in credit card terms) interest rates.

With the excitement of my trip to New Mexico, though, I lost track of my due dates and missed a credit card payment.

This morning I felt my heart and stomach clutch as I realized – my credit card payment was due two days ago!!  OH NO!!! It brought up every feeling of irresponsibility and fear that I have around money.

As soon as I got in front of a computer, I made a payment, but I was still terrified that my interest rate would have automatically jumped to astronomical heights.

When I called, the first miracle was that I got a lovely young man on the phone who was gentle and kind.  When I explained my fear about the interest rates, he explained that no, it took two late payments (within 6 or 12 months, he wasn’t sure) to affect my interest rate.


Now I’ll to be extra vigilant to make my payments on time.

The Universe has got my attention.  And apparently I’ve got its attention.  I can hardly wait to see what will happen next!


For those of you participating in the Miracle Challenge, I’ll put up a Challenge post each morning that you can respond to at any time during the day.  I’ll also put up my regular Miracle Journal postings in the evenings.  Let’s make miracles!

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/09/15/theyve-got-my-attention/

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  1. Shirl Kingery

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  1. The Miracle Journal » Finding peace in the chaos

    […] I sat down to reconcile my checkbook and then pay my bills (after the credit card scare yesterday, I want those puppies taken care […]

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