On Friday night I mentioned going to the library to get some mindless books. I’ve already finished two and a half of them. It’s been wonderful to escape into someone else’s story for a little while. And it’s been SO long since I’ve read something purely for the fun of it.
I have a friend who keeps a notebook with the name and author of every book she reads. I think she started it in high school. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have that kind of record? I think of it periodically and tell myself that I want to start one, but I’ve never yet actually done it. Maybe this year. 🙂
At any given time I usually have four to six books that I’m reading. But lately most of those books have been “good for me”. To have some “chick lit” – enough of a story to keep me engaged, but nothing so serious that I have to think hard about it – has been a lovely miracle the last few days!
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