I can’t say that I’m much in the Valentine’s Day mood this year. Had things been different, I would be on vacation in New Mexico right now.
But alas, I find myself single on Valentine’s Day. Which reminds me of a conversation I had with fellow blogger Momma Sunshine a couple of weeks ago. She wrote a fabulous post called “Stupid Cupid” at parentsociety.com about some of the sillier aspects of Valentine’s Day (for the record, Momma is in a long-term long distance relationship, so she’s not bagging on it because she’s single.)
She wrote, “It should be renamed “Couples on Parade” day. … It makes those who are without a partner feel rotten, and for a day that’s supposed to be all about love, isn’t that a teensy bit counter-productive?”
When I commented on what she wrote, she replied: “…single people should have their own day to celebrate how great it is to be a strong, independent single!”
And to that, I say HALLELUJAH!!!
Months before I met Mr. Blue Eyes, I was looking for a birthday card for someone. I came across a card that really spoke to me – it says on the cover “You’re the One” with a beautiful red heart in the center.
Inside it says “The thing about you is, you’re fun.
You make me laugh.
You make me feel more alive.
And, okay, you make me a little crazy sometimes.
But there are these moments in my mind,
crystal clear images of you and me
and how we fit together
and it all makes such perfect sense, and I know what I want.
I want time with you.
I want to hear you whisper and talk and yell,
I want to touch you so softly
it puts you to sleep.
I want to fall in love
so deeply with you that
Even when it’s not all fun,
I can look at you as I do now and say,
As I do now,
‘Yes, you’re the one.’”
As I read that card, I felt it well up inside me – the knowledge that I needed to give this card to MYSELF. To remind myself again and again that I am the one I have been waiting for.
In a relationship or not; in debt or not; in New Hampshire or New Zealand. No matter the circumstances of my life, I can look inside and find an extraordinary woman who has the power to make all my dreams come true.
So I bought the card and hung it up on my desk where I would see it every day. I’ll admit that while I was with Mr. Blue Eyes, I wasn’t as vigilant as I needed to be about remembering that I am the one. I put a bit too much pressure on him to be the one for me.
So on this Valentine’s Day I can say to myself – I’m bruised, but I’m not broken. And I’m reminding myself that I am the one I have been waiting for.
To you, dear readers, I say this…
If you are in a relationship – remember that while your partner may be your soulmate, their love is not what makes you special. You are special and that’s why they love you.
If you are not in a relationship – what say we start a “Strong, Sexy, Sassy and Single Day” all for ourselves? 🙂
One other Valentine’s Day note – it was one year ago today that I was on Hay House Radio for the first time! It was fabulously exciting and it still gives me goosebumps to remember it. That audio is archived in the “In the Media” tab above.
Happy Valentine’s Day! I am sending a bit heart-filled, love-filled hug to you all.
And what’s up with the little diapered man slinging arrows at people?
1 comment
Denise Wolf
February 15, 2012 at 3:53 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I think the idea of giving that card to yourself really does speak to where we need to start. What a great idea. Looking outside ourselves for completion or happiness will merely cover the hole we are trying to fill.
I was out and a friend wished me Happy Love Day! I thought that was perfect. It took all the pressure of romance off of it. It merely celebrated relationships with those you love; friends, family, and our four legged companions. It reminds us to be grateful for that we have.