This reader-submitted miracle demonstrates the importance of listening to that voice inside our heads:
“Early eighties – rushing down to town for supplies to finish a wood-working project. Jump into my car, blast the stereo to the car – deafening. My wife and her sister in the yard a few feet away. Hit the gas – backing up quickly out of the high-hedged, blind drive.
A voice yelled a command – STOP!!!!
I do – a dump truck cruises by – oblivious. It doesn’t hit me. I would have been toast. I ask my wife – did you yell stop? No. Did you hear someone? No.
Thank the guardian angel – again.
John Serino”
Thanks John! What an amazing story.
Do you have a miraculous story you’d like to share? Please click on “Share Your Miracle” and let me know about it!
1 comment
Denise Wolf
February 24, 2012 at 11:49 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Love the story, John.
Thanks for sharing it.
What would we do without our angels?