This past weekend I attended the American Society of Dowsers annual convention. It is always a whirlwind four days, filled with information and excitement. This year was no different. In addition, I also feel like I’ve moved several steps closer to understanding my true purpose…SO awesome! 🙂
Although my goals have been consistent for many years – speaking, writing, teaching, etc. – I have been inconsistent and unfocused in creating a career that sustains me mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. My loved ones laugh at me for how single-focused I am, and yet how easily I distract myself.
That has changed since I began The Miracle Journal – it has given me something very specific to focus on. But I’ve still never felt totally dialed in.
This weekend, as I taught a class on The Law Of Attraction – something that interests me, but isn’t a full-fledged passion – I once again noticed my own internal disconnect. Afterward, a dear friend came up to me and said, “You need to stop TRYING to be a teacher and just BE a teacher.” Youch. Thanks for not beating around the bush, Sue. 😛
She explained that I’m constantly trying to come up with new things to teach…instead of teaching the one thing that is SO close to my heart – miracles. Helping people to experience the good in their lives rather than focusing on the pain. Opening to experience more joy in every moment. I am TOTALLY jazzed about those things…and yet I rarely go out and do a class that’s specifically about miracles.
I remember doing an exercise several years ago about finding my life’s passion. The teacher said, “You’ll know it’s the real thing when tears come to your eyes.” Tears flooded down my cheeks when the thought came: My purpose is to be a mirror that reflects other people’s light back to them. I must admit that somewhere along the line I lost track of that. I forgot to follow that one true purpose and trust that it would take me down the desired path.
This weekend I heard a brilliant thing in a class with Dayana Patterson, who channels a collective called AMAG. AMAG said: “You cannot ever get off your path. Do you know why? You are the path. Here’s your path [she said as she pointed to the soles of her feet]. You’re on your path. You can’t get off.”
For the last few weeks I’ve been formulating an idea that I’m really excited to get started on: I’m going to organize a Monthly Miracle Makeover group. This feels like the culmination of things that have been brewing for several years. I’m totally psyched to get started!
Once that has launched, I am going to focus on building a thriving practice doing one-on-one individual Miracle Coaching (with thanks to Jean Slatter for helping me to clarify that.)
I’ll also continue to put myself out there for radio interviews, speaking engagements, and more so that I can keep talking about living a miraculous life.
It feels like this is the beginning of something really wonderful. I know that simply putting the words down and sharing them with you puts so much more energy and power behind the intention. Thank you for being the recipients of this new moment of stepping off. And I’m so excited to continue sharing this journey with you!
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June 14, 2012 at 8:04 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
What a wonderful path you are on. Can’t wait to hear more about the Miracle Makeover Groups!
Leah Carey
June 14, 2012 at 11:10 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I look forward to sharing that information with you SOON, Eileen. 🙂 I’ve got a meeting tomorrow evening to firm up details! Sending you a hug ~
I’m finally on the right path | The Miracle Journal
July 31, 2012 at 9:28 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
[…] the Dowsers’ Convention in June, I talked about how my friend and mentor had told me that I needed to stop “trying” to be a teacher and […]