Over the last month I’ve written a couple of times about introversion – the first time was after my high school reunion where I let my anxiety get the better of me. The second time was a couple weeks later when God spoke directly to me to say that it’s okay to be myself – introversion and all.
So today we come full circle. Because today I got a HUGE gift simply because of my introversion!!!
A couple years ago, I attended a conference for aspiring authors and teachers by Hay House, the biggest publisher in the personal development field. They are the BIG DOGS. I had an amazing experience and made some terrific friends, and even ended up being interviewed on Hay House Radio a couple of times because of it.
However I wasn’t entirely prepared to take what I’d learned and put it all into practice. I made some attempts in fits and starts, but I still had some internal work to do before I was ready for the big time. I wasn’t yet clear on my “message,” but more than that, I was still so engaged with my own drama that I would have sabotaged any opportunity that came my way.
Last week, the people at Hay House shared a link to a blog post featuring an interview with the PR Specialist from the company, Wioleta. In the post, they said that we could ask questions that Wioleta would answer, and the two people with the most interesting questions would receive a free pass to their “Speak, Write & Promote” event in New York City in November.
Being somewhat introverted, I naturally assumed that someone else would ask a more dazzling question, so I didn’t even consider the possibility of winning the tickets. I just wanted to know if she had any suggestions to navigate the path I find myself on: honoring who I am (a person with some introverted qualities and some extroverted qualities) and the work that I want to do.
Here’s the comment/question I posted:
“I have spent a lot of time recently considering how my inherent personality traits affect my work. Specifically, I have some introverted characteristics – I’m at my best one-on-one or with small groups. On stage, people find me compelling. But in a crowded room full of people who are networking and marketing themselves, I don’t feel like I shine. I’m realizing that the power of my work and my writing is largely thanks to my ability to go inside and be introspective and to lead other people to that same place. I wouldn’t change that. However that begs the question: what suggestions do you have for introverts in an industry that seems to demand extroversion?”
I got back some terrific advice from Wioleta and I let it go. Until I got a notice in my email today that I HAD WON THE FREE PASS!!!!! 🙂
Seriously – this is a 3-day conference with the CEO of Hay House and one of their biggest authors. And there’s an opportunity to earn a book contract or a radio show.
This is big stuff, ladies and gentlemen. And this time, I believe that I’m ready to take it all in.
So there you go – I let myself fully embrace the introverted aspects of my nature and look what happens! I get TWO really big gifts from the Universe – the reminder to be who I am and a pass to a conference. To my angels – thanks guys. 🙂
Image found here.
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Peggy Nolan
July 3, 2012 at 9:44 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Congratulations Leah! I can’t wait to read about the conference!!
Peggy Nolan recently posted at their blog…Summer Blog-cation
July 4, 2012 at 7:46 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
You are ready, Leah! Congratulations 🙂
Nova Wightman
July 5, 2012 at 10:12 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
This is awesome, Leah, go introverts!
Nova Wightman recently posted at their blog…Having Fun – A Major Key to Alignment?
sheila callaham
July 5, 2012 at 3:10 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
What a great story! I want to manifest a super surprise like that one!
Sue Krebs
July 7, 2012 at 2:32 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Congratulations! Doing that internal work first REALLY paid off! YEAH for you!!
Finding new evidence | The Miracle Journal
July 15, 2012 at 9:50 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
[…] A supercalifragilistic surprise! (5) […]
The Miracle Journal | Being true to me
September 26, 2012 at 9:15 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
[…] been studying the process of becoming a teacher and leader in the personal development field. I’ve written before about the conflict I’ve felt between my self-reflective, somewhat introverted nature and the extroverted ideal that seems to be […]