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Book Review: Through The Eyes of Another by Karen Noe

Through The Eyes Of Another :
A medium’s guide to creating heaven on earth by encountering your life review now
By Karen Noe
Purchase links: Amazon, B&N, Hay House

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started Karen Noe’s book Through The Eyes Of Another.  I knew it had something to do with letter writing and healing, and being a writer in the field of personal development, that seemed like a pretty good bet to me!

The book turns out to be an approachable guide to healing relationships through the process of writing letters.  Noe describes several different kinds of letter writing, including a gratitude letter, a letter sent in forgiveness of another, and a letter asking for forgiveness from another.

What I particularly appreciate about Noe’s approach is that this is about SELF healing.  The healing comes from the exercise of writing, not the response of the recipient.  In fact, she says several times that it’s not even necessary to send the letter once it has been written – writing it is enough to change the dynamic of the relationship.  She also encourages the reader to write letters to people who have died, reminding us that healing and closure are not limited to people we can see and talk to.

What didn’t work for me about this book is that Noe seems to have merged two books in one.  On one hand, she’s talking about writing letters to heal relationships.  On the other, she’s talking about messages from the “other side” that have come to her and her clients.  I would have preferred that she stick to the letter writing concept and leave out the appendix of stories – they didn’t seem in keeping with the rest of the book.

With that issue aside, Noe has created a terrific structure for releasing old relationship issues.  The exercises are easy and unintimidating.  She also includes her personal tales of letter writing (including a wonderful story about writing letters to her own children) which make the whole thing feel even more doable.


FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Hay House Publishing for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

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About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2012/07/30/book-review-through-the-eyes-of-another-by-karen-noe/