

Sep 17

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Miraculous Jewelry

This vacation in Maine was one of the best I’ve ever had. There are a bunch of reasons for that, but one of the biggest is… MONEY!

I’ve been on various kinds of vacations in the past:

  • the ones where someone else was paying and I was stressed out about how much money they were spending on me
  • the ones where I was putting everything on a credit card and knew how much room I had to my credit limit but not how I was going to pay it off, and
  • the ones where I spent every waking moment trying to figure out how I could pinch every possible penny to the point that I couldn’t enjoy what I was doing.

I remember entire vacations where I was so obsessed with money that I never relaxed enough to even pay attention to where I was.

This time, I had the money set aside. I figured out my budget in advance and chose a hotel that both fit into my budget and fulfilled my desires (i.e. – near the water, hot tub, kitchenette). I brought food with me to cut down on costs, but I also had money set aside for meals. I didn’t have any money set aside for activities because I knew that I’d be focused on writing most of the time and walking by the water the rest of it.

What an absolutely phenomenal relief! I was able to go without the specter that has haunted every previous getaway.

While I was careful to stay within my budget, I did allow myself one little splurge (and by little I mean under $20!).  It’s potentially the coolest necklace I’ve ever seen! It’s called “Le Twist.” It’s a 35-inch loop of malleable metal that can be twisted into any shape you want!  It can be worn as a bracelet, a necklace, a hairband…whatever!

Now I just have to find somewhere to wear it!

Picture found here.

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2012/09/17/the-way-we-vacation/


  1. CJ Kenna

    Hi! Just read your little story on vacationing in Maine – fun necklace! I’ve always believed that one should live in their vacation home. I moved to mine (Camden, Maine) when I was 22. I’m now 44 and working as a nonprofit retreat and meditation center director. Next time you’re “downeast” drop by for a little peace and de-stress!


    1. Leah Carey

      Hi CJ,
      What an inspiring story! The water is my FAVORITE place to be, so I’ll see you soon! 🙂

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