While I was in New York last week, I wasn’t too careful about the food I was eating. I tried for the first day or so, but by the time Monday rolled around and I had a six-hour car trip home, I was digging into the potato chips and sugary snacks.
Let me back up to say that for the last few months, I’ve been working on eating much better – cutting out white flour, white sugar, white potatoes, etc. Specifically, I’ve been following the Eat For Your Blood Type plan, eating mostly vegetables, fruits, chicken/meat, and rice or quinoa. I’ve certainly eaten some things that weren’t on my list of “good” foods, but I’ve been doing really well for quite a while.
And then I went out of town for four days without taking any food with me. The worst was breakfast each day, because almost every breakfast place in the country relies on bread and potatoes for their morning meals. So I slipped further and further away from my eating plan.
By Monday I was completely off the map.
For the next several days I felt like CRAP. I was crabby, nauseous, sluggish. I felt like I might be coming down with a cold or flu.
And here’s the miracle – if my body hadn’t reacted that way, I might not have been quite so motivated to get myself back into a better food routine. I could have taken that four-day slip and turned it into an excuse to be lazy again because “It’s just too hard to get back onto the eating plan.” But my body told me in no uncertain terms that this was not the way we were going to play.
This morning I made my spinach shake for breakfast again (I know, it sounds weird and kinda gross, but it’s actually really good.) Yesterday I cooked good food for the week. And my body is already responding.
So here’s a big THANK YOU to my body for giving me signals that I understood to help me get back on track.
Today’s miracle: When I listen to my body, it tells me exactly what it needs to be healthy.
November 27, 2012 at 7:53 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Way to go in listening to your body. I made some changes in my diet this summer, and what a difference it makes in how I feel — and I’ve even lost some weight. I love spinach shakes, too!!
Leah Carey
November 28, 2012 at 7:17 AM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
Congratulations, Eileen! I hope to follow you on the “losing weight” part – that hasn’t happened yet for me, but I haven’t made a serious commitment to it yet, either. Yay for spinach shakes! 🙂