There is so much goodness in this country and in this world. And yet, at a time like this, it’s so easy to focus on the bad, scary, and dark.
As I lit the Chanukah candles on Friday night, I was struck once again by how it takes just one candle to light all the candles in the world. (Click to tweet)
Rather than writing a lot more words, I encourage you to read this amazing piece at The Huffington Post titled “I Am Adam Lanza’s Mother.” I feel so deeply for this woman and I agree with her completely – more guns or less guns will never be the answer; fixing our mental health system IS the answer.
I am praying for each and every one of us that we will start shining our lights rather than fearing the dark.
With love to you all,
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The Miracle Journal | Finding our humanity
February 11, 2013 at 8:58 PM (UTC -5) Link to this comment
[…] the Newtown Bee (the weekly newspaper in Newtown, Connecticut, that is the paper of record for the Sandy Hook school shootings) and Connecticut State Police Lt. Paul Vance, the officer in charge of media information in the […]