There has been a lot of day in today and I’m ready to hit the hay (my goodness, aren’t we rhyme-y tonight?!)
Before I do, though, I wanted to share a couple of quick things with you.
First, I did a radio interview today that I think ranks up near the top of my favorites. The more I work on this book proposal, the more crystallized my thoughts become and the more concise I become in talking about them. It’s a great feeling! If you’d like to listen to my BlogTalkRadio interview with eFitFamily, click here.
Tomorrow there’s an e-newsletter coming out that also ranks near the top of my favorites. I’m not going to spoil the surprise, but I just want to remind you to open it for a profound piece of wisdom…and if you’re not on my mailing list yet, go to the top of this page and sign up already! 🙂
(Psst – Did you know that you can read back issues of the newsletter by going to the archive? Ain’t technology grand?)
I got an email today from my website host saying that I’m on track to exceed my hosting plan’s capacity this month. (No worries – they automagically bump me up to the next level of hosting, so things won’t go dark around here!) I have no idea what changed this month from previous months, but it seems like a really good sign – this little miracle community is growing!
That’s all for tonight. Wishing you all a lovely sleep!
Today’s miracle: Short and sweet and on my way to bed!
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