

Mar 12

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When grandparents come to visit

A quick note before I get to tonight’s guest post – I just ran into a woman who I know, but rarely see.  I was so touched when she made a point to ask me how my book proposal going – she could only know about it through this Journal and Facebook.  It reminded me how many people we each touch without even knowing it.

I want to pass along my deepest gratitude to each of you who are holding me, this project, and my dreams in your heart.  I feel your love and support and I am incredibly blessed.  Thank you.

Please be sure to check back tomorrow, because I’m going to give you the first taste of where I’m going and what I’ve been working on.  I am SUPER JAZZED!!!!!!!  🙂

Okay, now on to the miracles at hand ——–

When I put out the call for guest miracles, I get some of the most incredible stories back!  Here’s one of my favorites from recent months, from a woman named Katherine C.H.E.:

All four of my grandparents were very prosperous and generous with me when they were alive, and I have even had money miracles from them even years after they passed away — the first one I remember was finding an old Treasury Bond that my grandmother had sent me for a birthday. It had matured MANY years before, but the moment I found it, its current value came to EXACTLY the amount I needed right then to by my first professional grade camera which allowed me to launch a career as a professional photographer. (I still use that camera for some of my art photographs.)

Katherine with her grandparents, Kicki and Papa.

A couple years after the last of my grandparents passed on, I was putting up my Christmas tree and thought to myself, “I wish I had some of that ‘icicle’ tinsel we used to put on our tree when I was a little girl. I don’t think I’ve even seen it in a store in years.”

Then, I got back to hanging ornaments.

A little while later I thought, “I wish I had some beautiful Christmas china like my grandmother’s. I wonder what happened to it.”

Then, again, I moved on to other things. Later that day, I went to the basement to retrieve a lamp that had belonged to my grandparents.

When I opened that box, I was dumbfounded to discover that packed in that same box were: a big container of that icicle tinsel and two pieces of my grandmother’s Christmas china.

That was a couple years ago.

Last year I was thinking about that as I hung some of that miracle icicle tinsel on the Christmas tree. I thought, “Wow! That was so amazing. I’d really love to get another ‘Christmas gift’ from my grandparents, but I doubt that could happen now, so many years after their passing.” And, then I forgot about it.

On Christmas Eve, I went to the closet where I keep the gifts I collect through the year to give to people. I noticed a gift box I did not recognize and opened it.

I’m pretty sure you’ve guessed it was something from my grandparents. It was a beautiful antique tablecloth and napkins, just the right size, pristine and gift-ready — with a note from my grandmother with the size of the tablecloth on it. Just the week before I had been thinking I could use another tablecloth for that table and wouldn’t a pink one be nice, and wouldn’t it be extra-good if it had flowers woven into the damask, and wouldn’t that just be like something my grandmother would love to give me if she were alive… VOILA — exactly as I had wished!!

I live in my house with my young son. Just us. I only keep gifts I’m giving other people in that closet. I would never put something that had belonged to my grandparents in there. No one else even knows about that “gift” closet — well, except now all of you!!

These Christmas miracle gifts from them remind me ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible! As I love to say:

Miracles are the New Normal! (click to tweet)

Today’s miracle: Miracles ARE the new normal!!! 🙂

Katherine C.H.E.Katherine C.H.E. is the author of Be True Rich, and is a Good Life and Law of Attraction expert who coaches her clients to live their best life every, single day.

Do YOU have a miracle that you’d like to share? Head on over to the “Share Your Miracle” page and let me know…what’s going right in YOUR life??

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2013/03/12/when-grandparents-come-to-visit/