A quick note before I get to tonight’s guest post – I just ran into a woman who I know, but rarely see. I was so touched when she made a point to ask me how my book proposal going – she could only know about it through this Journal and Facebook. It reminded me how many people we each touch without even knowing it.
I want to pass along my deepest gratitude to each of you who are holding me, this project, and my dreams in your heart. I feel your love and support and I am incredibly blessed. Thank you.
Please be sure to check back tomorrow, because I’m going to give you the first taste of where I’m going and what I’ve been working on. I am SUPER JAZZED!!!!!!! 🙂
Okay, now on to the miracles at hand ——–
When I put out the call for guest miracles, I get some of the most incredible stories back! Here’s one of my favorites from recent months, from a woman named Katherine C.H.E.:
All four of my grandparents were very prosperous and generous with me when they were alive, and I have even had money miracles from them even years after they passed away — the first one I remember was finding an old Treasury Bond that my grandmother had sent me for a birthday. It had matured MANY years before, but the moment I found it, its current value came to EXACTLY the amount I needed right then to by my first professional grade camera which allowed me to launch a career as a professional photographer. (I still use that camera for some of my art photographs.)
A couple years after the last of my grandparents passed on, I was putting up my Christmas tree and thought to myself, “I wish I had some of that ‘icicle’ tinsel we used to put on our tree when I was a little girl. I don’t think I’ve even seen it in a store in years.”
Then, I got back to hanging ornaments.
A little while later I thought, “I wish I had some beautiful Christmas china like my grandmother’s. I wonder what happened to it.”
Then, again, I moved on to other things. Later that day, I went to the basement to retrieve a lamp that had belonged to my grandparents.
When I opened that box, I was dumbfounded to discover that packed in that same box were: a big container of that icicle tinsel and two pieces of my grandmother’s Christmas china.
That was a couple years ago.
Last year I was thinking about that as I hung some of that miracle icicle tinsel on the Christmas tree. I thought, “Wow! That was so amazing. I’d really love to get another ‘Christmas gift’ from my grandparents, but I doubt that could happen now, so many years after their passing.” And, then I forgot about it.
On Christmas Eve, I went to the closet where I keep the gifts I collect through the year to give to people. I noticed a gift box I did not recognize and opened it.
I’m pretty sure you’ve guessed it was something from my grandparents. It was a beautiful antique tablecloth and napkins, just the right size, pristine and gift-ready — with a note from my grandmother with the size of the tablecloth on it. Just the week before I had been thinking I could use another tablecloth for that table and wouldn’t a pink one be nice, and wouldn’t it be extra-good if it had flowers woven into the damask, and wouldn’t that just be like something my grandmother would love to give me if she were alive… VOILA — exactly as I had wished!!
I live in my house with my young son. Just us. I only keep gifts I’m giving other people in that closet. I would never put something that had belonged to my grandparents in there. No one else even knows about that “gift” closet — well, except now all of you!!
These Christmas miracle gifts from them remind me ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible! As I love to say:
Miracles are the New Normal! (click to tweet)
Today’s miracle: Miracles ARE the new normal!!! 🙂
Katherine C.H.E. is the author of Be True Rich, and is a Good Life and Law of Attraction expert who coaches her clients to live their best life every, single day.
Do YOU have a miracle that you’d like to share? Head on over to the “Share Your Miracle” page and let me know…what’s going right in YOUR life??
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