A few weeks ago, I talked about a six-week class that I had decided to take with KC Baker, who helps “Unleash the brilliance of women’s voices.” The course started two weeks ago and so far it has been A-MA-ZING. I have met some incredible women and the community that we are creating is really special.
There’s a piece of the story that I didn’t tell you in that first post, though. KC ran a contest for a scholarship spot in the six-week online and phone course ($500), and a spot in her weekend intensive in San Francisco ($2000). We had to submit a video on YouTube to enter. I did that and then watched some of the other video submissions. They were incredible. I didn’t win.
And today, while talking with some of the other women in the program, I realized how GLAD I am that I didn’t win. I wrote a letter to KC, but I think it definitely qualifies as a miracle, so I wanted to share it with you as well.
Dearest KC,
I wanted to send you a special thank you.
Thank you for NOT choosing me for a scholarship to the Women’s Thought Leadership Society. (And yes, I mean this in all sincerity.) 🙂
Until about a year and a half ago, I had an extremely dysfunctional relationship with money. Back in October of 2011, I started doing the conscious work to clean that up. I started using a budget and becoming really AWARE of how I use money and how I have let it define me. I’ve made great strides and feel like, for the first time in my life, I am in control of my money rather than letting it control me.
But all of that healing happened in one area – my sense of responsibility with money and ability to keep track of it. It had not yet reached into my ability to SPEND money with ease and grace.
Signing up for the Society was the first big investment I’ve made in myself and my work since this shift started. The course has been INCREDIBLE. And more than that, I’m celebrating the fact that I made a really good decision in choosing to pay for it.
Did I want to win a place at the Public Speaking Soiree in San Francisco? Absolutely. That’s not within my budget…yet. Perhaps next year it WILL be. But right now the six week course IS, and I am incredibly proud of myself for making this life-affirming and voice-affirming move. I wouldn’t have this feeling of victory if I had a scholarship to the Society. So thank you.
Thank you for providing the space and being the catalyst. I am incredibly grateful and humbled.
With love,
Today’s miracle: Sometimes not winning is the biggest prize of all.
If you feel like you have something important to say to the world but you don’t quite know how or what it is yet, I HIGHLY recommend working with KC. Click here to check her out.
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The Miracle Journal | Whose voice are you listening to?
July 1, 2013 at 9:08 PM (UTC -4) Link to this comment
[…] started out well (especially with an amazing class on clarifying my message.) But then my demons took over – because if one class is good, six […]