

Apr 16

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God spoke to me #2

I’ve been out late for the last couple of nights and haven’t had a chance to post.

I’m going to bypass conversation about Boston, because beyond the kindness of strangers that has been displayed, I don’t yet know what to say. Heckuva time, hunh?

So instead, I’ll tell you a crazy-amazing story that happened while I was at an event the other day.

I was covering a Chamber of Commerce luncheon for the newspaper. I was busily trying to remember people’s names and get the important notes down between bites of salad.

Then the keynote speaker got up to speak.  He’s the newly-installed president of a small college in the area and he was welcoming us to the campus and thanking us for welcoming him to the community.

god-spoke-to-meHe started off by telling a story about two hunters who went out duck shooting. One of the hunters brought his dog, who could walk on water. The other hunter understandably found this amazing.  He asked if he could buy the dog and they agreed on a price.

The next weekend, he went out hunting with a different group of friends and brought along his newly-purchased dog.  Throughout the day, they would shoot down ducks and all the dogs would paddle out to get them, except the one dog who ran across the top of the water.  But none of the other hunters mentioned a thing.

Finally, the hunter got antsy enough that he turned to one of the other hunters and said, “Don’t you notice anything interesting about my dog?”

And his friend said, “Well I didn’t want to say anything. Who ever heard of a dog that can’t swim?”

The moral of his story… you can either pay attention to what’s going right or what’s going wrong.

That’s not me paraphrasing his message into my own words – that’s what he said!  You can focus on what’s right or what’s wrong.

That definitely got my attention.  And then came the kicker.  The very  next sentence out of his mouth was…

“Because there are little miracles happening around us all the time.”


I seriously started tearing up and I got all shaky.  It was another one of those moments where it felt like God had tapped the microphone and said, “Is Leah Carey in the house?  I have something to say to her.” (If you don’t recall the first “God Spoke To Me” moment I had last year, check this post out – it is truly amazing!)

It was astounding.  It feels like total confirmation that I’m on the right path and I’m taking the right steps.  Things are working out and I’m so excited to see what happens next!

Today’s miracle – Listening to the still small voice is good, but sometimes God just starts shouting so loud that I can’t miss it!  🙂

Photo found here.

About the author

Leah Carey

Leah Carey is the Chief Miracle Officer of The Miracle Journal, where she writes about the large and small miracles that happen in her life every day. She is a life coach, speaker, journalist, freelance writer, and lover of life. In all of those pursuits, she works with people to identify what’s already right in your life so you can build an even more joyful and fulfilling daily experience from that foundation. You can find her on Facebook, , Twitter, and YouTube.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2013/04/16/god-spoke-to-me-2/


  1. Lisa LaPlante

    Ladies and Gentlemen – Leah IS in the house! Wooo Whooo! Love it!

    Thank you for sharing another story that makes me SMILE! =)

    1. Leah Carey

      Thank you dearest Lisa! Love you!

  2. Cathy


    SuggestLink: http://God-SmallMiracles.1hwy.com/index.html

    A True Story – Interesting, compelling, helpful…

    Author’s Email On Page…

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