Four weeks ago, I gave myself the gift of taking a blog vacation. My attitude toward seeing and celebrating miracles hadn’t changed, but my attitude toward sitting down and writing several times a week had – I was feeling tired and uninspired and like I was working too hard for not enough joy. So I decided to give myself a little break.
The funny thing is that during that so-called “break,” I’ve been working as hard as ever! Within days of starting my blog vacation, I had dived into scheduling and conducting multiple interviews for my upcoming book (tentatively titled “From Rain Clouds to Rainbows: Finding your pot of gold“). I had signed up for a bunch of free teleseminars to learn how to become a more effective blogger. I had signed up for a free telesummit on how to become a more effective author. I had signed up for a consultation with this person and a short class with that person.
In other words – I took the blog break because I was entering overwhelm. And then I used that “free time” to drive myself even further into the ground.
This weekend I finally forced myself to do something different. I got myself out of the house, away from the computer, for an entire day.
And here’s the realization I came to – earlier this year, I started taking classes from people who have expertise in areas that I want to learn.
It started out well (especially with an amazing class on clarifying my message.) But then my demons took over – because if one class is good, six must be better, right?!?
The problem is that I was trying to integrate so many different voices and ideas that I lost track of the most important thing – MY voice and MY ideas. And that’s where MY juice comes from.
I can’t hear my own voice when I’m busy listening to everyone else’s voice instead! (Tweet it)
So now I’m making a conscious choice to put it all down. To get back to what I love: looking for miracles and writing. Sometimes the writing will be here on the Journal and sometimes it will be on my book. (The interviews I’ve been doing with other thought leaders for the book are yielding INCREDIBLE material and I’m SO excited to start sharing their wisdom with you.) Whatever format I’m writing in, I’m committed to doing it from a place that generates and replenishes MY juice.
What about you? Are there places where you are listening to so many other voices that you’ve stopped listening to your own? How does that affect YOUR juice?
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