Category Archive: Fun

Jul 10

Naked in a room full of people

Last night I had a crazy dream about being in an audition factory for reality television shows.  It really was like a factory – they’d audition a whole crowd of people and then they’d dismiss them and the another bus would show up and the whole thing would start again.

And they didn’t just audition …

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Jul 07

The Facebook of it all

Last week I had a couple of really cranky days.  By the middle of the second day, I was ready to crawl out of my own skin!  Rather than doing anything drastic, I reached out to my friends.

I put up a message on Facebook that said, “Quick – someone tell me a joke. I …

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Jun 02

Sugar sugar sugar sugar

When I close my eyes, I see grains of falling sugar.  When I go to sleep, I dream about cups of sugar overflowing.

A relapse into my gateway drug of choice?  No.  This is far less detrimental and actually kind of instructive!  🙂

A few days ago I discovered an online logic game called Sugar, …

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May 12

9 things that annoy the f*ck out of me

Last week a friend said to me, “I didn’t want to tell you about all this shit that’s been blowing up in my life until I’d found the miracle in it.” Which is sweet and all, but…well…I think something’s getting lost in translation.

It made me realize that perhaps some of you have the wrong …

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Apr 07

Shopping made easy

You know how when you go into a store and you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, so you pick up one of everything…and then you get to the dressing room where the attendant looks at you as if you’re a moron and wasting her time and says, “You can only take in 6.”  …

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Mar 31

Thinking INSIDE the box

I must admit that I haven’t been quite as focused on doing my posts here for the last several weeks because I’ve been working so intensively on this online course I’m taking.  The good news about that is that I’m developing SO much new material to share with you in the coming weeks and months …

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Mar 13

What do you want?

I was going to share one video with you tonight…and then I saw a second one and knew that I needed to share it as well…and then I saw a third one that made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants, and knew I had to share that as well!

Then I wondered …

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Feb 18

A little Extra

Today I had one of those lovely little moments that makes me smile for a couple hours afterward.  I was third in line to check out at RiteAid.  A woman joined the line behind me, and then a moment later stepped up to the racks of candy under the counter.  She pulled out a pack …

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