Category Archive: Love
A week ago I posted about a friend who had a skiing accident and is currently paralyzed from the shoulders down.
Watching what has happened in the week since, I have seen miracles of community and the human spirit that are hard to put into words. So I’m not going to try. Instead, I’m going …
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This weekend I got to spend time with two very old friends, Josh and Jen. We met in 7th grade, and for a year and a half, we were inseparable. Then life happened – Jen moved out of the area. I moved to a different school. By the beginning of ninth grade, our little band …
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I fell in love this weekend. Madly, completely, head-over-heels, crazy in love.
I can hear you through my computer screen – WHO DID SHE MEET?
I met myself again. I met my work again. I met my purpose again. And in the process I met a group of phenomenal people and fell in love with …
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A few weeks ago I spoke at the annual conference for the National Society of Dowsers. During my talk, I gave out postcards about the Miracle Journal. Before the end of the weekend, a beautifully joyful man named Geoffrey had given me TWO miracles in return! 🙂
Here is one of them:
It reads:
“This …
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One year ago tomorrow I posted “My list of 37” – 37 things I wanted to do during my 37th year. This evening I’m closing out my 37th year by looking back and seeing how I did…
Be my own soulmate – For a while I did REALLY well with this. Little did I know …
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Last week I wrote about feeling an emotional hangover from a major recognition and restructuring of my own reality.
The truth is that a week later, I’m still there. I’m emotionally exhausted and still working things through in my mind and heart. This isn’t an easy place for me to be in.
My last relationship …
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Those of you who know me know that my mother and I are quite close. Upon reading a title like Finding my mother, your first reaction is probably “I didn’t know you’d lost her.” Well, neither did I. Or, to be more precise, until this weekend I didn’t realize quite how close I had come …
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I had a moment of epiphany earlier today. How it had escaped my attention until today, I can’t imagine, but here it is: I’ve often read newspapers and magazines and thought, “I’d love to write a column someday.”
I imagined that it would be a self-help column, or maybe something that tells human interest stories …
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