Category Archive: Love
Recently I had a conversation with a friend about the idea of gurus and she said, “You have to write this on The Journal!” It has been on my mind ever since, but I’ve never had quite the right provocation.
Then comes Brené Brown and gives me exactly what I need.
Dr. Brown has created …
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On Sunday morning, I had 3 or 4 really happy hours. Normally I wouldn’t think that was so unusual, but they’re the first truly carefree hours I’ve had since the breakup. I think it means that I’m starting to round the bend. Which brings me to an uncomfortable confession.
When I wrote last week about …
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Today I got an email from my dear friend Sheila that called me out on my recent use of the word “heartbreak” and “heartbroken.”
Let me interrupt myself here for a moment and ask – do you have friends in your life who will tell you the full, unvarnished truth? Not in a mean-spirited or …
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When 2011 ended and took with it the relationship I had hoped might last forever, I spent a lot of time questioning myself. Never having given my heart fully before, the relationship represented a whole new world for me.
**Let me insert here – I’m not trying to withhold anything by being vague. If you’ve …
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I can’t say that I’m much in the Valentine’s Day mood this year. Had things been different, I would be on vacation in New Mexico right now.
But alas, I find myself single on Valentine’s Day. Which reminds me of a conversation I had with fellow blogger Momma Sunshine a couple of weeks ago. She …
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Not calling Mr. Blue Eyes over the last week has taken every bit of will power I’ve got. I miss talking to him and I’m fairly certain he’d be happy to hear from me.
Here’s the problem – every time I think about talking to him, I go straight into victim mode. “If I say …
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Today I went to a bridal store for a dress fitting. Yes, that looks as weird to me as it probably sounds to you. No, I’m not getting married. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m producing the Bridal Guide that the newspaper will be printing next week. I started it around the same time that Mr. …
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It’s been a hard week. I feel empty. I feel sad. There are things that remind me of Mr. Blue Eyes everywhere.
I also noticed that I’ve been engaging in some bad behaviors this week. Most notably, I’ve been fantasizing that we’ll get back together, even after he has made it clear that it isn’t …
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