Category Archive: Money

Mar 24

How not winning is a win

A few weeks ago, I talked about a six-week class that I had decided to take with KC Baker, who helps “Unleash the brilliance of women’s voices.”  The course started two weeks ago and so far it has been A-MA-ZING.  I have met some incredible women and the community that we are creating is really …

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Feb 28

Relearning what I know

Long-time readers may remember some of my stories about drowning in debt, using money to destroy relationships, and feeling helpless when it came to the subject of money.  In the past, I spent thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to figure out how to fix the things that were wrong with me.  I …

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Jul 03

A supercalifragilistic surprise!

Over the last month I’ve written a couple of times about introversion – the first time was after my high school reunion where I let my anxiety get the better of me.  The second time was a couple weeks later when God spoke directly to me to say that it’s okay to be myself – …

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Jul 02

A big financial OOPS

Wasn’t it just two weeks ago that I was crowing about the major strides I’d made financially with paying off debt?  Oh, how the Universe loves to laugh!

It turns out that while I was so meticulously paying off that debt, I missed another credit card due date by two days.  TWO DAYS!!!  What a …

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Jun 28

Drinking the Kool-Aid

A while back, I had that moment when I realized I was a part of the newspaper newsroom.  It was when my brain suddenly started thinking in terms of “inches” rather than “word count” (inches are how we measure the length of a story).

I’ve heard people talk about this with foreign languages – suddenly …

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Jun 26

Paid in advance

Today I got an email from one of my freelance writing jobs asking me to send an invoice for $900 worth of work that I haven’t even been assigned yet.  Ummm….OKAY!!!!  🙂

In a month when things are just a tad thin income-wise, I’d call that a BIG FAT MIRACLE!  🙂

In other news, after …

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Jun 20

1 down, 3 to go

Perhaps some of you remember my posts from last summer and fall about how challenging my finances were.  About how ashamed I felt.  About how much I wanted to change my situation.  About how impossible that felt, but I was willing to try.

Perhaps you remember the 40-Day Miracle Challenge when I focused exclusively on …

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Jun 11

My sweet little car

About two and a half years ago, my transportation situation was in dire straits – I needed a car pronto! Because the universe is so good to me, I have bought my last couple of cars from a wonderful man in Vermont named Tim. He sells and maintains used cars and I trust him completely.

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