Category Archive: Money
As I continue my journey toward financial freedom, I’ve learned a lot. This week’s lesson has been the distinction between “I don’t have enough money” and “It’s not in my budget.”
A few days ago I had a conversation about getting a new piece of clothing. I said, “It’s not in my budget.” She said, …
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It occurred to me today that I haven’t done a financial update since the beginning of February – and there’s good stuff to report, so let’s get caught up!
When last we talked finances, I was expecting February to be a lean month. I knew that I’d make enough to cover my expenses, but I …
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Tonight I went to a high school basketball game. To give you some perspective on what a big deal that is, I don’t think I ever went to a basketball game when I was in high school. (I went to a couple of basketball practices when I was in college because the Boston Celtics practiced …
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Tonight our guest post comes from Ashley Karr. I spent a little time wandering around her site this evening and I really like the work that she’s doing. Here’s a story about how she got there:
“I was a month away from completing my master’s degree and very low on cash. My web-based business was …
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Here is a lovely thing about the newsroom – they really appreciate me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt as appreciated as I do there. For instance, this week the big news has been that they got one of those K-Cup coffeemakers. To say that there are almost hourly spasms of delight from all corners …
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On my drive home tonight I had a conversation with myself that ended much differently than I expected. And let me get this out of the way – I’m not happy about how it ended. I exposed one of my own prejudices to myself and it’s decidedly uncomfortable.
Recently I’ve been listening to recordings of …
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Here is the second of my monthly check-ins on how I’m doing with paying down debt and getting my financial life in order.
Last month I set the goal of putting an extra $1000 payment toward credit card debt. However part way through the month I decided to make an adjustment in my spreadsheet – …
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After talking so much about finances over the last few months, I’ve decided to start chronicling how I’m doing with paying down debt and improving my financial situation.
The spreadsheet – you can DOWNLOAD a copy
At the end of October I created a KICK-ASS spreadsheet to track my money. And when I see KICK-ASS, …
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