Aug 04

Is it fear or is it boredom?

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to submit a book proposal to Hay House, the biggest publisher in the personal development industry. If you have been reading for a while, you’ll remember that I chronicled that experience here on the Journal and over on Facebook.  I was incredibly blessed to have so much support …

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Jul 22

A tale of two emails

This has been one heck of a strange day – not strange/bad, just strange/all-over-the-place.  And both the highs and the lows are very neatly illustrated by a pair of emails that came on either end of the day.


When I got to work this morning, I found an email from a newspaper reader …

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Jul 18

I am more than my body

Things have been going well.  Quite well, in fact.  I’ve been doing interviews for my book and having a FABULOUS time!  I’ve been getting tons of valuable support from my colleagues.  I’ve been feeling really good about the work that I’m doing.  I’ve been reading a lot and making lots of plans.

And you know …

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Jul 10

Naked in a room full of people

Last night I had a crazy dream about being in an audition factory for reality television shows.  It really was like a factory – they’d audition a whole crowd of people and then they’d dismiss them and the another bus would show up and the whole thing would start again.

And they didn’t just audition …

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Jul 07

The Facebook of it all

Last week I had a couple of really cranky days.  By the middle of the second day, I was ready to crawl out of my own skin!  Rather than doing anything drastic, I reached out to my friends.

I put up a message on Facebook that said, “Quick – someone tell me a joke. I …

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Jul 01

Whose voice are you listening to?

Four weeks ago, I gave myself the gift of taking a blog vacation.  My attitude toward seeing and celebrating miracles hadn’t changed, but my attitude toward sitting down and writing several times a week had – I was feeling tired and uninspired and like I was working too hard for not enough joy.  So I …

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Jun 04

Practicing what I preach

Over the last few weeks, you may have noticed that my posts have become somewhat sporadic.  There have been logistical reasons for that, but there’s also another truth…

I’ve lost a bit of my juice lately.  I still have plenty of ideas that I want to share with you, but I’ve been lacking the energy …

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Jun 02

Sugar sugar sugar sugar

When I close my eyes, I see grains of falling sugar.  When I go to sleep, I dream about cups of sugar overflowing.

A relapse into my gateway drug of choice?  No.  This is far less detrimental and actually kind of instructive!  🙂

A few days ago I discovered an online logic game called Sugar, …

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