I remember hearing a story from a couple that had been to a shaman to do some journeying work. Neither of them spoke throughout the process, but at one point in the middle of the session the woman let out a little giggle. When the session ended, the man looked at her and said, “Why …
Tag Archive: drawings
Mar 21
A shared vision
Tags: children, drawings, dreams, environment, journeying, painting, shaman
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About Leah Carey
Leah Carey is a transformational workshop leader, author, speaker, and life coach. She is also a journalist for a daily newspaper covering approximately 50 communities in northern New Hampshire and Vermont. Far from being born a natural optimist, Leah has spent time in the trenches. For over two decades she struggled with chronic depression, believing that no matter how hard she worked or how much she accomplished, she was never good enough and no one could ever understand.
"“Leah Carey is a very talented visionary."-- Best-selling novelist Jodi Picoult
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