Tag Archive: Google

Aug 01

They found me HOW?

Tonight we have another edition of “They found me by searching for WHAT?!?”  My site host provides me with a report of all the things people searched in Google in the last month that led them to my site.  Some of them are humorous.  Some of them are really sweet.  And some of them, frankly, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2012/08/01/they-found-me-how/

Jan 22

They Googled what?!

Today I’ve spent a bunch of time considering how to get the word out to a wider audience about The Miracle Journal, and also how to make some money from this endeavor.  I’m not expecting to quit my job or anything but as I work my way out of debt, every extra dollar helps.

I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2012/01/22/they-googled-what/