Tag Archive: respect

Sep 03

My pledge to love

This is my pledge…

I will trust you enough to tell you the truth as I know it in any given moment.

I won’t disappear without a word. If I need space or time, I will tell you.

When I fuck up – and I will – I will own up to it.  I will …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2013/09/03/my-pledge-to-love/

Oct 03

Lady parts

Last week I saw an image on Facebook that struck me as both hilarious and absolutely on-point:

While I generally stay out of politics on Facebook, this one made me laugh so hard that I shared it with my friends.

I got a response that struck a nerve, so much so that I’ve taken …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2012/10/03/lady-parts/

Apr 04

The Leah Carey I know isn’t rude

Last week I wrote about the joy of realizing that I’ve shown up as ME in the newsroom. This week I got another glimpse into how true that is.

Those of you who have been reading know that last week was difficult and emotional.  The final task that I had to perform before the weekend …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2012/04/04/the-leah-carey-i-know-isnt-rude/

Oct 06

Singing out loud

Last night I had to do some website client work when I got home from the newspaper, so MBE offered to make dinner (did I mention in last night’s post that he’s in town? Color me happy! :-))

While I was working, I turned on some music and started singing along.  I was so focused …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/10/06/singing-out-loud/

Apr 18

The miracle of choosing to respect myself

In the wake of the emotional turmoil of the last couple of days I’ve been doing a lot of processing.  A lot of it hasn’t been pretty.  But some things about my past behavior have become clear to me and I’m grateful because it means that I can choose new behavior in the future.  As …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/04/18/the-miracle-of-choosing-to-respect-myself/

Mar 23

The miracle of Glee

I’ve made occasional references to Glee in the past, but tonight it gets a post all its own.

This afternoon I re-watched the Glee episode “Sexy” from a couple of weeks ago – the one where Gwyneth Paltrow reprised her role as Holly Holiday.  There is just so much to love in this episode (not …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/03/23/the-miracle-of-glee/

Feb 19

The miracle of self-respect

This evening I had a sneak peek into my own sense of self-respect and I’m happy to report that I’m pleased with what I saw! 🙂

I spent this evening with a group of friends – well, two friends and three people I don’t know very well.  We were playing a board game (Settlers of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/02/19/the-miracle-of-self-respect/

Feb 08

The miracle of letting go of the past

So much has happened in the last 24 hours that I think I could write a mini-novel instead of a blog entry.  Here’s the Cliff Notes version.  🙂

For me, realizations of growth and change always feel like a miracle and it makes me happy to chronicle them for myself.  However, recently I’ve become aware …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.leahcarey.com/themiraclejournal/2011/02/08/the-miracle-of-letting-go-of-the-past/