You know how people talk about “the first day of the rest of their lives”? Well, this kinda feels like that because I’m about to share some things I’ve never spoken about publicly before. And it’s big. Really, really big. And I’m doing it because I’ve felt like I was alone in the shadows for …
Tag Archive: sex
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Aug 06
Shifting to a new space
Today I got the most wonderful email from a reader:
I read about the book, Five Wishes, in one of your postings. I just finished reading it, and wrote down my wishes, as I see them at this point, and even turned them into the positive, present goals that Gay Hendricks recommends. Nothing drastic has …
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Mar 23
The miracle of Glee
I’ve made occasional references to Glee in the past, but tonight it gets a post all its own.
This afternoon I re-watched the Glee episode “Sexy” from a couple of weeks ago – the one where Gwyneth Paltrow reprised her role as Holly Holiday. There is just so much to love in this episode (not …
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Feb 19
The miracle of self-respect
This evening I had a sneak peek into my own sense of self-respect and I’m happy to report that I’m pleased with what I saw! 🙂
I spent this evening with a group of friends – well, two friends and three people I don’t know very well. We were playing a board game (Settlers of …
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